2010 Goals

I usually don’t set new goals for the New Year. Don’t get me wrong, I am all about goals but usually I set them throughout the year instead of when I am drinking champagne with friends. This year, however, my husband was sicker than I had ever seen him and the wind chill outside was below 10F, so we did not celebrate New Year’s Eve, we did not even go out on New Year’s Eve. Instead, I stayed at home and wrote down my goals for 2010.

I thought about goals such as meditating more, trying to make the house more eco-friendly, being a better friend and family member, but those still need to take some more shape up in my head before they make it to paper. So, in the end, the goals I wrote down all revolved around hiking. Several of my hiking goals have been up in my head for quite a while, but there is something about writing it down and posting it where I can see it that encourages me and holds me accountable at the same time. And putting it on my blog? Well, that’s like double the accountability and it gives me something [Read More]